Every 4th Saturday in January, an annual Grass-Burning-Fire event on Wakakusa-yama Hill is held in Nara. It is officiated in ceremonial manner with prayers both Shinto and Buddhist ways (Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Grand Shrine, Kofukuji Temple) to welcome spring with new fresh grass on the hill. Before putting fire, we can enjoy 15 minutes of fire works display、short, but artistic and beautiful ones.
春日大社、東大寺、興福寺の神仏が習合し、先人の鎮魂と慰霊、さらには 奈良全体の防災と世界の人々との平安を祈る行事です。
たくさんの消防士さんが奈良県内から集い33ヘクタールの草地に一斉に火がつけられます。 約600発あまりの冬の花火は、15分と小規模ながら趣向が凝っていてとても美しく奈良の冬の風物詩となっています。
This year, I had a mixed feeling thinking of Australian burning forests....
You can see the Youtube video, too.
For this day, about 300 local fire fighters get together to safely burn the grass in the limited area of the Wakakusayama hill.