Throughout Japan, we have been having irregularly stormy days with typhoon attacks. October is usually sunny with clear sky and known for very pleasant weather. There even is a term " Aki-bare (秋晴れ)” meaning "autumn clear sky". This is also a rice harvest season, and many traditional autumn festivals are held to celebrate the local kami for their blessings for good harvest. However, due to the bad weather, I am sure many of them must have been cancelled for this year.
Today, I was very happy to be able to the Sun after many rainy days, and was glad to see a beautiful sunset from the observatory near Ohmiwa jinja Shrine.
The Miwa mountain is a sacred mountain, and actually is the target of worship from the ancient time. It is now open for the worshippers to climb from 9 AM to 2PM. ( you have to register first!!)
However the mountain were closed for uncertain days.

I guess the natural paths must have be damaged badly by the heavy rain. might have caused some land slides..blocking or destroying the paths.
I hope things will settle down as soon as possible....